Thursday, January 5, 2012

Latest stats

As I had mentioned before we think Keiki is a girl. I've had a strong sense as well as several dreams that tell me it's a girl. My MIL also says she has known we are going to have a girl for a year now. Another indicator is that whenever I talk about Keiki I always refer to her as a "she". We'll know for sure on Monday. Of course we will be happy with whatever the gender will be. We just want a happy, healthy baby when we meet him/her.  OK here's the latest stats and a belly photo. 
Status: 20w1d

Weight Gain: As of my last OB appt. I've gained 13 pounds. I think I may have started a bit under weight, so it's a good amount.

Symptoms: My breasts have grown two cup sizes much to Mr. Bag's delight! LOL Still have quite the appetite, but it's calmed down slightly since the beginning. Having more allergies at night which is affecting my sleep. I haven't had few solid night's sleep without waking up 2-3 times a night since about week 8. Peeing a lot more which also affects the sleep cycle. 

Cravings: Nothing obvious yet. But I did crave meat in the beginning and whenever I saw popcorn I had to have it. Right now I don't crave anything in particular. (except for Golden Grahams this morning which I NEVER eat. :) )

Aversions: Funky smells. Need to get away from them immediately!

Exercise: Fri- 30 min laps in the pool Sat.-2 mile walk Sun- 6 mile bike ride, Tues.- 30 min. prenatal yoga & 30 min walk, Wed-3 mile bike ride.  

Best Moment of the Week: Feeling the Keiki kick!!! Mr. Bags was able to feel it too. She's been kicking throughout the day especially in the mornings ever since 

What I Look Forward to: The anatomy scan on Monday. Can't wait to see the Keiki again, hear the heartbeat and find out the gender! 

Here's a belly pic taken Christmas Eve: 


  1. So glad to hear from you again! You look fabulous and that little baby bump is adorable!!!! Can't wait to find out if it is a girl or a boy :)

  2. Wait! You felt Keiki kick??? That is SO friggin' awesome!!! And how amazing Mr. Bags felt it, too. :D And, may I say, you are ridiculously adorable with that bump, girl. :)

  3. Cutest baby bump ever!!!! You have my dying here....boy or girl?!?!?!
